A Lost Cause

A journey through a young girls present, past and future.

“Quotes” January 15, 2010

Here Are Some Of Our Favourite Quotes From The Novel That We Thought Should Be Shared…


Early evening light slants over the mountains. The sky is faded denim blue. Somewhere above my head, a raven grumbles as it hops between the branches of the tighly packed trees. The crows have disappeared. Water splashes as a seal bobs its dark head in the shallows, hunting crabs. I lie on the sand. The clamshells are hard against my back. I am no longer cold. I am so light i could just drift away. Colse, very close, a b’gwus howls-not quite human, not quite wolf, but something in between. The howl echoes off the mountains. In the distance, I hear a speedboat.  



6 Responses to ““Quotes””

  1. lisalou101 Says:

    ” A sea otter dives. Long streams of sunlight wash through kelp trees, undulating like lazy belly dancers. A purple sea urchin creeps towards a kelp trunk. The otter dips, snatches up the urchin, carries it to the surface, where the sound of the waves breaking on the nearby shore is a bitter grumble. Devouring the urchin’s soft underbelly i a neat nibbles, the otter twirls in the surf, then dives again. The urchin’s shell parachutes to the ocean bottom, landing in the dark drifting hair a corpse. ” (Robinson. 131.)

    I love this quote in the book it is the most beautiful and peacefull quote in the book. Its a beautiful outlook on the end of the book. It foreshadows very well.

    – Taylor 🙂

    • jimmy179 Says:

      “Asshole, asshole, a soldier I will be
      To piss, to piss, two pistols on my knee.
      I will fight for my cunt, I will fight for my cunt, I will fight for my country,” (Robinson, 368, 6-9)


  2. luckycharms12 Says:

    Food is dust in my mouth without you.
    I see you in mu dreams and all I want to do is sleep.
    If my house was filled with gold, it would still be empty.
    If i was king of the world, I’d still be alone.
    If breath was all that was between us, I would stop breathing to be with you again.
    The memory of you in my shadow and all my days are dark, but I hold on to these memories until I can be with you again.
    Only your laughter will make them light; only your smile will make them shine.
    We are apart so that I will know the joy of being with you again.
    Take care of yourself, wherever you are.
    Take care of yourself, wherever you are.
    – Robinson, P.174

  3. luckycharms12 Says:

    I think this quote is very beautiful. Shows show much one can care for another.

  4. Mrs DeJong Says:

    Ladies – you have captured it in your selection of quotations! – the lyrical beauty and harsh reality of Robinson’s language.

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