A Lost Cause

A journey through a young girls present, past and future.

In Search Of The Elusive Sasquatch January 15, 2010

Filed under: Coping With Problems — monkeybeach @ 5:40 pm


Drinking, partying, smoking, running away…do these seem like good solutions to deal with problems? No, but unfortunately these are the most common strategies the characters in Monkey Beach choose to use. What they fail to understand is that by coping with their problems in this manner, results in even more problems on top of thier original cocerns.


There are so many other options they could consider. Including talking to friends and family who are dealing with the same problems, that way, they would understand what they were going through and help them see that life goes on wether we want it to or not.


One solution Lisa used to cope with her uncle Mick’s death, was cutting a  large portion of her hair off. This helped her move on, though it may have been strange, it was a reasonable solution. No one was hurt and it made her feel relieved, so why not?


Everyone has thier own way of coping with loss and pain and this is completely normal. It just makes more sense to deal with it in a more mature way. Sure drinking may clear the mind and ease the pain for a few hours, but what happens after the fun is over? Nothing changes. Having a more suitable solution and sorting everything out in a more appropriate manner will help conquer the problem forever, rather than one night out.




4 Responses to “In Search Of The Elusive Sasquatch”

  1. lovshin Says:

    Nice pic, It really describes what you wrote.

  2. monkeybeach Says:

    haha thanks i thought so 😛

  3. jimmy179 Says:

    wow. that was really well written. I thought it described your picture perfectly.


  4. splendidsuns Says:

    People do strange things when they are coping, I agree that they should turn to a postitive way to deal with it.I find talking with friends and family are they best way!

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